Agility – Preston Agility Dogs – PADs

Come down and start having some agility fun with your dog today!

The agility sessions take place every Friday evening throughout the year. We accept all types of dogs over 1 year old, but dogs must be sociable ( unsociable dogs can be  helped by booking a Sunday session or a 1 to 1 thro Dogtastic).

First Night Training FREE!

We meet at Paul’s Farm, Dunkirk lane, Leyland Preston. PR26  7SY

Cost– After a small joining fee (Currently £18 for the year) it is only £4 per week to enjoy our indoor facilities and sample the dog agility & fun flyball sessions..

Members of whatever standard are encourage to attend our summer displays which are great fun & experience.

We are a friendly club  and are always glad to have new members young or old alike.

Please contact Mark on 07480859920